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BYOD Printing Solutions

Posted by Devin Anderson

Ever since the term BYOD went mainstream (roughly four years ago for those of you who are counting), the number of employees bringing their personal devices to work has increased rapidly. Some surveys show that the BYOD adoption rate for employees in the developed world is already well over 40%—with the possibility of doubling in the next few years. This has put pressure on organizations to proactively seek out BYOD printing solutions.

Unsurprisingly, not all organizations have greeted the BYOD movement with a great deal of enthusiasm.

We understand their reluctance. That’s because we here at PrinterLogic recognize that conventional BYOD printing solutions are less than desirable. Some require extra devices. Some are one-trick ponies that aren’t guaranteed to play nicely with all the other hardware and software in your print environment. Others are finicky, calling for cumbersome workarounds that introduce critical vulnerabilities. In an effort to accommodate your employees’ BYOD demands, you end up exposing them to more frustration, inconsistency, and even potential security risks.

But what if we told you there’s a BYOD printing solution that addresses all those concerns in one fell swoop? A solution that allows BYOD employees—including guests, contractors, freelancers, partners and consultants—to easily print from any mobile device, anywhere, anytime. A solution that works seamlessly with your existing print environment and requires no extra hardware or software. A solution that’s secure and subject to administrative oversight. A solution that can be implemented by organizations of any size, in any sector, across all of their physical sites.

It’s not too good to be true. It’s PrinterLogic’s Mobile Printing solution.

Unlike other BYOD printing solutions, PrinterLogic’s Mobile Printing derives its power from simplicity. By leveraging rock-solid email-to-print capabilities, it opens up BYOD printing to everyone without resorting to print servers or proprietary third-party software like iOS or Google Cloud Printing—no matter if the device is personal or company-issued, on- or off-network.

BYOD users who want to print simply obtain the dedicated email address for the desired printer, email their documents, and the job immediately enters the local print queue no differently to one initiated from a workstation. That means:

  • No calls to the support desk asking for help installing printers
  • Any mobile device can print to any authorized printer—regardless of whether the hardware is legacy or bleeding-edge
  • Printing is as easy for the end user as emailing
  • Jobs sent via Mobile Printing can be monitored and audited just like any other

This is one BYOD printing solution that’s also inherently secure. You control who has access to which printer as well as how much and what file types each BYOD user can print. You can also authorize or restrict access to specific printer settings such as monochrome printing or paper trays. BYOD employees can even choose to release their print job to a specific printer from their mobile device, so confidential documents aren’t left out for all to see.

Check out this page for even more information on how PrinterLogic simplifies and secures mobile and BOYD printing.